RED Platform blog

Insight into the RED Franchises’ world
Sustainability and CO2 offset represent the focus of the RED Platform. All of this revolves around franchising, a concept that gives you the status of an entrepreneur by creating your own sustainable business. Moreover, franchise owners have the opportunity to develop their businesses by offering CO2 offset solutions to companies interested in this aspect. Franchises…

The RED apps are now on the Store for Android and iOS
As you may have already noticed from the title of this article, we have released the RED apps on the Store, both for those who own Android operating systems and for those who have iOS. Through this action, we want all users to have the most pleasant and easy experience using the services of our…

Launching the RED Carbon Standard
The Problem – Climate Change and CO2 Emissions The need for a sustainable solution for one of the biggest problems humanity is facing, namely climate change is fast approaching. Becoming more environmentally conscious with concrete actions is now a must for individuals and companies alike. For individuals, responding to the urges of climate change needs…

How Blockchain can help achieve UN SDGs
Ever since blockchain technology made its first appearance in October 2008, experts have shown how it can completely revolutionize the world, by introducing greater transparency, security, and opportunities in previously unimaginable ways. Likewise, blockchains' potential in terms of helping achieve the UN SDGs has also not gone unnoticed.

Heat waves and wildfires as new common occurrences of the summer season
New temperature highs have been registered this summer, especially in July. It was increasingly felt in European countries with the weather announcing over 40°C for days in a row. Is it something to get used to?

The Relationship between Crypto, Green, and the RED Platform
Recently, there has been a lot of focus on Bitcoin's alarming environmental effects. While attempts are being made to reduce the Cryptocurrency’s carbon footprint, some investors are abandoning the cryptocurrency in favor of greener choices. Which, if any, of the more than 4,500 mineable coins and tokens are the most sustainable cryptocurrencies? Before moving to…

RED partners with Morpheus.Network to help achieve a more sustainable global supply chain
RED Platform and Morpheus.Network, the blockchain-powered supply chain platform, join forces to offer sustainable solutions to supply chain companies and transportation services. Under the partnership, Morpheus.Network has integrated RED's carbon calculating and offsetting system for companies and transportation. The integration will help Morpheus.Network’s clients better track and manage their global carbon emissions through calculating, reducing,…

2022 RED Project Update – weeks 27-30
As we are approaching the month of August, new feature releases have been focused on maintenance, support and preparation for the upcoming business steps to be completed. Even if you can’t see a major visual difference on the RED Platform, the results will become visible, with the rapidly-approaching publications, projects, partnerships and releases. The main…

How Businesses can Follow the New CSRD Policy
In today’s era, businesses are shifting towards creating and enabling a sustainable economy. Here ‘sustainable’ refers to ensuring that any venture doesn’t function at the cost of our environment. Organizations are strategizing and designing their workflows, business models, and revenues while keeping in mind the ESG factors. ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. Besides…

Solutions to Combat Global Warming
We are in dire need of fundamental changes because Global warming has taken the world towards devastation. Global warming has been badly affecting the flora, fauna and population worldwide. In this article, you will learn about global warming and its effects on the Earth and also how people everywhere can implement solutions to prevent this…

How can you Incorporate Sustainability into your Projects?
What determines the growth of a business? Which business grows faster? Is it the business that only focuses on profitability? Or is it the business that caters to society while also being profitable? We tell you it would be the second one. Hence, businesses need to understand their responsibility towards society.

Cryptocurrency: an Environmental Threat or a Sustainability Solution?
Over the past few years, the progress made by crypto technology has taken the world by surprise, opening up doors to endless possibilities in the digital world. At the same time, however, a great deal of debate has been stirred on its reliability as being environmentally sustainable. Many believe cryptocurrency is nothing short of a…