RED Platform blog

The first decentralized CO2 offset system on the market
Read more about the RED Platform developments and the latest news. Stay up-to-date with sustainability and carbon offset business opportunities based on blockchain technology.

2024 RED Project Update January – April weeks 1-18

As the platform and the different projects within it advance and grow, we would like to share with you the highlights of what we have been working on, which has been the direct result of the developments and where we are heading this year. On the business development side, we are eager to share information…

Introducing the New Carbon Footprint Calculator on the RED Platform

We are excited to unveil our latest initiative: the carbon footprint calculator, now conveniently accessible directly on our website. At RED Platform, we're committed to empowering individuals to understand and take action against their environmental impact. With our new calculator, you can easily assess your carbon footprint and take steps towards reducing it. Visit the…

20231 RED Project Update January – weeks 1-5

This is strong!

RED Platform December update

2022 RED Project Update December – weeks 49-53

For the last month of 2022, you could already see the latest updates on our website and application. If you haven’t checked them out, you can browse through our website and app. As a reminder of what has been implemented at the end of December, you can find a list below and more details in…

RED Platform November Update

2022 RED Project Update November – weeks 45-48

Another month just ended, during which the team has been working on delivering the latest features for the RED Solar NFT project, along with the new website and the possibility of purchasing a Sustainability Certificate directly from the website. Below, you will find when the RED Solar NFT project will be launched, the new website,…

red platform October update

RED Project Update October – weeks 40-44

Welcome to the update on the RED Project for the month of October. Developments RED Carbon Standard The first RED Carbon Standard-certified project was launched on the 24th of October by our franchisee in Spain and Argentina, Jorge Marcos Madrid.  A total of 53,298 tokenized carbon credits were issued. The project is developed by Worms…

red platform update-september

2022 RED Project Update September – weeks 35-39

Welcome to the update of the RED Project for the month of September. What you should know about the project is that we are working in parallel in several streams that will allow the publication of various features and projects simultaneously on the app. Many of the updates might not be directly visible on the…

August project update

2022 RED Project Update – weeks 31-34

Developments Achieved Mobile Apps Launch Until last month only the iOS app was available for download in the App Store, but beginning with this month both apps on iOS and Android are available and up-to-date with the latest releases and features. Now you can access the RED Platform easier and faster. Read more here. RED…

the 5 first projects on the red platform

The First 5 Sustainable Projects on the RED Platform

Great news coming today to our community! The first 5 sustainable projects were just published on the RED Platform. Three of these are part of the Clean Development Mechanism, a carbon offset scheme administered by the United Nations. The other 2 are part of the Biocarbon Registry and the International Carbon Registry.  We also want…

Insight into the RED Franchises’ world

Insight into the RED Franchises’ world

Sustainability and CO2 offset represent the focus of the RED Platform. All of this revolves around franchising, a concept that gives you the status of an entrepreneur by creating your own sustainable business. Moreover, franchise owners have the opportunity to develop their businesses by offering CO2 offset solutions to companies interested in this aspect. Franchises…

The RED apps are now on the Store for Android and iOS

As you may have already noticed from the title of this article, we have released the RED apps on the Store, both for those who own Android operating systems and for those who have iOS. Through this action, we want all users to have the most pleasant and easy experience using the services of our…

Launching the RED Carbon Standard

Launching the RED Carbon Standard

The Problem – Climate Change and CO2 Emissions The need for a sustainable solution for one of the biggest problems humanity is facing, namely climate change is fast approaching. Becoming more environmentally conscious with concrete actions is now a must for individuals and companies alike. For individuals, responding to the urges of climate change needs…