RED Platform blog

The Challenge has begun with Carbon Credits
Carbon credits are a type of cap-and-trade system that allows carbon emitters to sell carbon permits in a marketplace, optimizing the efficiency of carbon emissions and mitigation. To stop the carbon emission, an agreement took place in Paris. The Paris Agreement is a formal international consensus on climate change. It was approved by 196 Parties…

2022 RED Project Update – weeks 15-16
Haven't you gotten used yet to the fact that the RED Platform is trying to keep up with the latest developments in technology and sustainability and at the same time satisfy the needs and desires of its users? Now, with the newest status report of our activity after almost 4 months of 2022, we accomplished…

Green-tech for a truly sustainable impact. Befriend your environment.
Ever since the Industrial Revolution, humans have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, affecting the earth's climate. Natural pursuits, like variations in the sun's Energy and volcanic eruptions, also impact the earth's temperature. Human actions, i.e greenhouse gas emissions, have significantly contributed to climate change. To resolve the…

Blockchain vs Climate Change
Climate change is a global problem that has been getting worse by the day. The Earth’s average surface temperature has increased by 1.50 degrees Fahrenheit since the late 1800s. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says that now is the time to act. Otherwise, temperatures will increase by up to 9 degrees Fahrenheit by…

From Trader to RED Country Franchise Owner
Let’s explore together one of RED’s most classic and revised functionality that has now taken a brand new and optimized form. The RED Country Franchise envelops the regulations of the old franchises, adds new benefits, and is now at every trader’s disposal for the price of 100,000 MWAT. If you are a trader and wish…

Global Pressures on Companies in Terms of Carbon Emissions
Nowadays, you will often hear that climate change is the defining issue of our time. And with global temperatures already 1.1 degrees Celsius higher than pre-industrial levels, capping global warming at 1.5 degrees Celsius this century will require drastic action. According to the United Nations, carbon dioxide removal is paramount to achieving net-zero carbon emissions…

2022 RED Project Update – weeks 13-14
The second quarter of this year has already started and we are preparing to change the status of the RED Platform to alert activity as we dive deeper into collaborations, development and contribution to the sustainability area. The reports will be more concise and related to practical aspects and the communication on Social Media will…

Launching RED Platform’s Corporate Carbon Footprint Calculator
You will probably notice that the term "corporate footprint" is becoming more and more widespread. As environmental issues grow in importance for businesses in all industries, your corporate footprint has become a key issue. Ultimately, global warming is what has led to international decision-making. Thus, was born the Paris Agreement, which proposed a substantial reduction…

2022 RED Project Update – weeks 11-12
A few more days and we will pass the first quarter of this year. We are convinced you are waiting for us to share some important news with you. We are entering in no more explanatory words phase, but something practical and real-life use case. Where are we now? The Integration of External Sustainable Projects…

2022 RED Project Update – weeks 9-10
March Overview The target for the month of March is for the RED platform to have a full set of sustainability tools that will allow companies and individuals to calculate, reduce and offset their carbon footprint in one place, and through blockchain technology. Sustainable Projects on the Platform As we are getting ready to onboard…

New Features – More Advantages to Owning a RED Franchise
Today we bring you a new perspective on opening a new business on the RED Platform. This article brings you important updates related to the franchises and we will inform you or remind you about the functionalities and benefits you can get by becoming a RED partner in the energy and sustainability business. Owning a…

2022 RED Project Update – weeks 7-8
A warm hello from RED Team for you and our prayers are going to any soul in difficulty from any part of the world. We hope to see the conflicts ending very soon and that ordinary life will win over the war. Of course, we are deeply affected and we cannot be indifferent to what…